Aspartame is Safe for Your Baby!
“Let us make pregnancy an occasion when we appreciate our female bodies.” -Merete Leonhardt-Lupa Pregnancy is a memorable turning point in a woman’s life. During this period, you’ll feel different...
View ArticleHold Your Humira: Details You Need to Know before Taking this Medicine
Arthritis is a condition that affects your bones and muscles, especially the joints. This can restrict your movements because of the pain you feel every time you try to shift certain body parts. The...
View ArticleSay No to Blood Clotting with Lovenox!
“So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.” -A. J. RebMateri You should prioritize health above anything else. After all, one of the...
View ArticleInline Skating: A Good Way to Stay Fit and Healthy
Have you tried to have a walk around your city? Whether on a crowded place in the park, under the heat of the sun, or taking the meandering promenade of the city, if there are smooth pavements, you...
View ArticleWhat is Holistic Wellness?
A holistic wellness center has experts who can improve a person’s current behavior, such as their physical, psychological, and social abilities. They unblock the emotional pathways and help liberate...
View ArticleA Day in the Life of an ENT Specialist
Ear, throat, and nose doctors do more than just clean the wax from ears, prescribe medicines for an allergy, and provide advice for surgeries. The truth is, ENTs or Otolaryngologists have saved more...
View ArticleFatal Air: The 1976 Philadelphia Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak
For many Americans, the 1970′s was a decade of deep remembrance. The US was still growing out of its clothes and learning to take the reins. It was a decade of going beyond borders and facing new...
View ArticleGlow even at 50
There’s a fundamental shift in plastic surgery in Los Angeles that has fully eliminated the production of distorted, frozen faces that America has always associated with Hollywood’s aging celebrities....
View ArticleGuidance and Protection for Your Medical Practice
There is no one asset protection strategy that will protect all of your assets if you are ever accused of medical malpractice. Look at your personal financial statement to review all your assets, and...
View ArticleThe ABCs of Diabetes
Diagnosis revealing that you have diabetes will undoubtedly lead to stress, especially considering the notions that come with the disease. You might be in denial about it, feel guilty about your...
View ArticleVegetables: Nutritional Powerhouses for Everyone
It’s common knowledge that the way to good health is proper diet and regular exercise. Eating right means choosing nutritious fruits and vegetables, instead of just reaching for pizza, doughnuts, and...
View ArticleDealing With Hearing Loss
Loss of hearing, whether mild or total, can be frustrating. Hearing loss makes it hard for you to follow an instruction, respond to people, and hear any emergency warning. Not being able to follow a...
View ArticleYour Child is “High”: Alarming Signs of Teen Drug Abuse
It’s highly likely that you often read and hear news about drug abuse among the youth. The younger generation experiments with drugs for many different reasons. Some try it out of curiosity and to have...
View ArticleLink Between Sleep Duration And Health
Getting too little and too much sleep are linked with chronic health conditions such as diabetes and heart problems, according to a new study. Sleep: As important as food and exercise The study,...
View Article5 Beauty Secrets for a Flawless, Luminescent Skin
Hairstyles change with the seasons, and lip colors go from dark red to brown, but one look that never goes out of style is flawless skin. By using the right products and techniques, getting your skin...
View ArticleNeck Lift: An Anti-Aging Secret
If the eyes are the first area people begin to show their age, the neck is arguably the second. Vertical banding, horizontal creases, fatty jowls, and “turkey-wattle” all work together to make people...
View ArticleKeep Fit: Ways to Reach and Maintain a Healthy Weight
Strict diets or eating habits aren’t the best way to drop excess weight. As diets focus only on creating temporary eating patterns, they offer a temporary fix. Many people who follow a strict diet...
View ArticleBruxism: Dealing with Teeth Grinding Problems
Teeth grinding or bruxism can damage the teeth and cause oral health complications. If you feel like this is occurring every day, look for a Winthrop dental clinic to find out what you can do about it....
View Article3 Signs It’s Time to See a Dermatologist
Your skin reflects your health. When you are under duress or you don’t have enough sleep, your skin shows it; when you are healthy, it glows. It may be the largest organ of the body, yet there’s still...
View ArticleWeight to Go: 4 Types of Hormone Imbalances That Hold Back Weight Loss
So you’ve been following a weight-loss plan and are absolutely committed to it. You exercise every morning, every single day. Yet week after week, those numbers on the weighing scale barely seem to...
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